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Welcome to the comprehensive HappyScribe APIs documentation 👋

This resource covers the Product API.

Product API base url

The Product API lets you automatically submit files to be transcribed by HappyScribe, access existing transcriptions, and export them to various formats. We adhere to a versioning strategy for the Product API, releasing breaking changes as incremental versions. Our goal is to minimize disruptive updates and provide substantial support for legacy versions.

You can navigate through this documentation to explore each section. If you have any questions, need additional support, or want to provide feedback, please write to us at We always love hearing from you and we're eager to assist you in any way we can!

— The HappyScribe Team


The HappyScribe APIs use the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request -- Your request is invalid.
401 Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong or you don't have permission to access that resource.
403 Forbidden -- The resource requested is hidden for administrators only.
404 Not Found -- The specified resource could not be found.
405 Method Not Allowed -- You tried to access a resource with an invalid method.
406 Not Acceptable -- You requested a format that isn't json.
410 Gone -- The resource requested has been removed from our servers.
418 I'm a teapot.
422 Unprocessable Entity -- There was an error processing your request.
429 Too Many Requests -- You're requesting too many resources! Slow down!
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.


We support the following languages, by their IETF BCP-47 language codes:

Code Language Human service available?
af-ZA Afrikaans (South Africa)
am-ET Amharic (Ethiopia)
ar-DZ Arabic (Algeria) human ✅
ar-BH Arabic (Bahrain) human ✅
ar-EG Arabic (Egypt) human ✅
ar-IQ Arabic (Iraq) human ✅
ar-IL Arabic (Israel) human ✅
ar-JO Arabic (Jordan) human ✅
ar-KW Arabic (Kuwait) human ✅
ar-LB Arabic (Lebanon) human ✅
ar-MA Arabic (Morocco) human ✅
ar-OM Arabic (Oman) human ✅
ar-QA Arabic (Qatar) human ✅
ar-SA Arabic (Saudi Arabia) human ✅
ar-PS Arabic (State of Palestine) human ✅
ar-TN Arabic (Tunisia) human ✅
ar-AE Arabic (United Arab Emirates) human ✅
ar-YE Arabic (Yemen) human ✅
hy-AM Armenian (Armenia)
az-AZ Azerbaijani (Azerbaijan)
eu-ES Basque (Spain)
bn-BD Bengali (Bangladesh)
bn-IN Bengali (India)
bg-BG Bulgarian (Bulgaria)
ca-ES Catalan (Spain)
yue-Hant-HK Chinese, Cantonese (Traditional, Hong Kong)
cmn-Hans-CN Chinese, Mandarin (Simplified, China)
cmn-Hans-HK Chinese, Mandarin (Simplified, Hong Kong)
cmn-Hant-TW Chinese, Mandarin (Traditional, Taiwan)
hr-HR Croatian (Croatia)
cs-CZ Czech (Czech Republic) human ✅
da-DK Danish (Denmark) human ✅
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) human ✅
nl-BE Dutch (Belgium) human ✅
en-AU English (Australia) human ✅
en-CA English (Canada) human ✅
en-GH English (Ghana) human ✅
en-IN English (India) human ✅
en-IE English (Ireland) human ✅
en-KE English (Kenya) human ✅
en-NZ English (New Zealand) human ✅
en-NG English (Nigeria) human ✅
en-PH English (Philippines) human ✅
en-ZA English (South Africa) human ✅
en-TZ English (Tanzania) human ✅
en-HK English (Hong Kong) human ✅
en-PK English (Pakistan) human ✅
en-SG English (Singapore) human ✅
en-GB English (United Kingdom) human ✅
en-US English (United States) human ✅
fil-PH Filipino (Philippines) human ✅
fi-FI Finnish (Finland) human ✅
fr-CA French (Canada) human ✅
fr-FR French (France) human ✅
fr-BE French (Belgium) human ✅
fr-CH French (Switzerland) human ✅
gl-ES Galician (Spain)
ka-GE Georgian (Georgia)
de-DE German (Germany) human ✅
de-AT German (Austria) human ✅
de-CH German (Switzerland) human ✅
el-GR Greek (Greece) human ✅
gu-IN Gujarati (India)
he-IL Hebrew (Israel) human ✅
hi-IN Hindi (India) human ✅
hu-HU Hungarian (Hungary)
is-IS Icelandic (Iceland)
id-ID Indonesian (Indonesia) human ✅
it-IT Italian (Italy) human ✅
it-CH Italian (Switzerland) human ✅
ja-JP Japanese (Japan)
jv-ID Javanese (Indonesia)
kn-IN Kannada (India)
km-KH Khmer (Cambodia)
ko-KR Korean (South Korea)
lo-LA Lao (Laos)
lv-LV Latvian (Latvia)
lt-LT Lithuanian (Lithuania)
ms-MY Malay (Malaysia)
ml-IN Malayalam (India)
mr-IN Marathi (India)
ne-NP Nepali (Nepal)
nb-NO Norwegian Bokmål (Norway) human ✅
fa-IR Persian (Iran) human ✅
pl-PL Polish (Poland) human ✅
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) human ✅
pt-PT Portuguese (Portugal) human ✅
ro-RO Romanian (Romania) human ✅
ru-RU Russian (Russia) human ✅
sr-RS Serbian (Serbia) human ✅
si-LK Sinhala (Srilanka)
sk-SK Slovak (Slovakia) human ✅
sl-SI Slovenian (Slovenia) human ✅
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) human ✅
es-BO Spanish (Bolivia) human ✅
es-CL Spanish (Chile) human ✅
es-CO Spanish (Colombia) human ✅
es-CR Spanish (Costa Rica) human ✅
es-DO Spanish (Dominican Republic) human ✅
es-EC Spanish (Ecuador) human ✅
es-SV Spanish (El Salvador) human ✅
es-GT Spanish (Guatemala) human ✅
es-HN Spanish (Honduras) human ✅
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) human ✅
es-NI Spanish (Nicaragua) human ✅
es-PA Spanish (Panama) human ✅
es-PY Spanish (Paraguay) human ✅
es-PE Spanish (Peru) human ✅
es-PR Spanish (Puerto Rico) human ✅
es-ES Spanish (Spain) human ✅
es-US Spanish (United States) human ✅
es-UY Spanish (Uruguay) human ✅
es-VE Spanish (Venezuela) human ✅
su-ID Sundanese (Indonesia)
sw-KE Swahili (Kenya)
sw-TZ Swahili (Tanzania)
sv-SE Swedish (Sweden) human ✅
ta-IN Tamil (India)
ta-MY Tamil (Malaysia)
ta-SG Tamil (Singapore)
ta-LK Tamil (Sri Lanka)
te-IN Telugu (India)
th-TH Thai (Thailand) human ✅
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) human ✅
uk-UA Ukrainian (Ukraine) human ✅
ur-IN Urdu (India) human ✅
ur-PK Urdu (Pakistan) human ✅
vi-VN Vietnamese (Vietnam) human ✅
zu-ZA Zulu (South Africa)
sq-AL Albanian (Albania) human ✅
bs-BA Bosnian (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
my-MM Burmese (Myanmar) human ✅
et-EE Estonian (Estonia) human ✅
mk-MK Macedonian (North Macedonia)
mn-MN Mongolian (Mongolia)
pa-Guru-IN Punjabi (Gurmukhi India)
uz-UZ Uzbek (Uzbekistan)